Sunday, July 19, 2015

Garden progress

At first, we noticed our plants rapidly growing in size (some double in only a few weeks).
Here are some pictures of our progress.
Little blossoms :) 
And some baby tomatoes of course :) they started popping out a little after we planted them.
We finally had to put the cages on, they were getting so big. Don't worry, Harley weeded the garden as well ;) 
Our little lettuce patch is getting huge. There is some cilantro right next to that :) We like having the lettuce so close to the house, that way we can make blt's, run outside, pick what we need, wash it off and add it to our sandwich.
See, he finally weeded! This is our start of the cucumbers and the green beans :) 
Now, weeks later, out green peppers are growing. They are still relatively tiny, but growing fast. We may even need to put a cage around this one.
Our jalapeño peppers are ready to pick, which is good! I've been meaning to make some salsa ;)

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