Saturday, April 18, 2015

Raspberry vinegar

I use raspberry vinegar is just about everything. Is is so good! I go through many bottles of it. One day it dawned on me that I can make my own at home for a fraction of the cost. I looked online at a few recipes and decided to try a more simpler one. My recipe simply includes raspberries (fresh or frozen, I use fresh), distiller white vinegar and a little bit of sugar :) 
I start by washing the raspberries and picking through them. If you find any with mold on them, discard them. After this I fill a quart sized mason jar with the raspberries.

After this, fill the jar up to the rim with white vinegar. This is how full I filled mine.
Let the mixture sit in a cool, dark place for at least two weeks. I let mine sit for a little over a month. After the vinegar develops more, it will become a dark red color. Taste test after two weeks and let sit out longer if you want. After I got to my one month mark, I discarded the raspberries and dissolved 1 tsp. of sugar in the jar for added sweetness. Enjoy! This vinegar is delicious in salads (combine with oil to make a lovely dressing). I use this in place of recipes that call for vinegar for an added sweetness.
After one day:

When the vinegar is all ready, add to a decorative bottle. You may add some ribbon and give as a gift! :) 

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